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The Wonder of Woolies

2004-02-28 - 2:14 p.m.

Woolworths run a pretty decent internet shopping service, and I never hesitate to use them. The only thing is, they keep sending emails to inform me when orders have been dispatched THE DAY AFTER they've sent the order.

So invariably I've already received the item(s) *before* they tell me they're on their way. Which is a bit like eating a meal in a restaurant and then being presented with the menu afterwards. Ho hum.

Pointless stat of the day: For all the money they've spent on expensive signings this year, the Chelsea player with the most Premiership goals this season is... Mikael Forssell. Of Birmingham City.

UK Gold are showing 12 HOURS of back to back episodes of To The Manor Born today. Bloody sadists...

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