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To smoke or not to smoke...

2004-03-01 - 9:03 p.m.

I haven't had a cigarette for nearly six months now. And to tell the truth I'm starting to really miss the stupid things. I know giving up's probably done my health the world of good, made me a better person all round, etc. But there's just something about not smoking that doesn't quite agree with me.

The thing is, cigarettes give a kind of punctuation to your day. I was never a particularly heavy smoker but they'd really help carry the day along. I'd have one over breakfast, one with coffee before lunch, a couple in the afternoon etc. But since quitting the ciggies my days have lost their rhythm and I've never really found anything to replace them.

I've experimented with biscuits, but frankly that just doesn't provide the same sort of buzz. And the thing is, once you've given up smoking it's almost inevitable that you'll end up ''snacking'' a lot more, to take your mind off what you're missing. If I carry on at the current rate I'll probably be eligible for Marjorie Dawes' Fat Fighters in a few months' time.

But I know that if I were ever to lapse back into my old cig-puffing ways again I'd regret it as soon as I'd had my first one. And I must admit it is kind of nice to know your clothes and breath don't reek of stale cigarette smoke all the time anymore.

So there are definite pros & cons at work on both sides here. But on balance I think I'll carry on abstaining*, at least for the time being.

Now if you'll excuse me, I think it's time for my 9.30 hob nob...

(*Wasn't Kenneth Williams in that one?)

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